Lovely and Amazing: Bird Box - Importance of Growth: Pheasant


    © 2011
  • Dimensions (in inches): 2.7 x 5 x 6.5
  • Materials:Wood box, relief and silkscreen printed paper, black and white photographs, color reproductions, mica, leather, book cloth, oil on paper, oil paint, bird feathers.
  • Collection of: artists collection (available)


The 3 boxes this series started are part of my great-aunt’s archive. This one includes a case with one rigid page. The page is wood with a layers of pheasant feathers visible from each side. The inside boards of the case have original oil paintings of feathers on sized paper. The case is leather over boards with shaped areas cut out - behind the cut areas are feathers protected with Japanese tissue and the book title overlaid with mica. The box interior has a recessed compartment with a partial pheasant wing protected by an overglaze of mica. The top inside of the lid has an original photograph taken in the 40’s; the outside lid has an enlargement of the same photograph, with the title etched in a protective layer of mica. Sandwiched between the photo and the mica is free floating pheasant feather.
Photographs (originals and scanned) are images taken by Denver ornithologist and Camp Fire Girl leader Ruth Wheeler during the years 1944-1950